Our people - Deborah Kirkland

Deborah Kirkland

Graduate Business School
Lecturer - Graduate Business School

Location: Dublin Main Campus

Development Activities

Academic Qualifications
Masters in Business Administration, Clark University, MA; B SocSci (Hons) University College Dublin; Postgrad Certificate in Teaching and Learning, Griffith College


Having graduated from UCD, Deborah went on to pursue an MBA at Clark University in the USA.  She spent the following 5 years working in market research and consulting capacities for Abt Associates and Forrester Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  She continued to expand on her international work experience by transferring to a marketing role at McKinsey and then Andersen, both in London.  On finally returning to Ireland she joined the Graduate Business School at Griffith College specialising in International Marketing Management.  Her research interests are in the areas of gamification and engagement techniques in teaching and learning and she is currently pursuing a Masters in Teaching and Learning at Queen's University Belfast.