Why study a Design Thinking Short Course in Dublin

design thinking course

What is Design thinking and why is it important?

Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that emphasises empathy, creativity, and user-centered solutions. It involves a structured process of understanding and defining problems, ideating solutions, prototyping and testing, and iterating based on feedback. It sparks innovation, deepens user understanding, and aids effective problem-solving for organisations and individuals.

What career-essential skills will I learn by studying the Professional Certificate in Innovation and Design Thinking? 

Studying the Professional Certificate in Innovation and Design Thinking can equip you with several career-essential skills, including:

  • Critical Thinking: The course will sharpen your critical thinking abilities, allowing you to analyse problems, evaluate solutions, and make informed decisions.
  • Creativity: The course can enhance your creative thinking abilities, helping you generate innovative solutions to diverse challenges.
  • Problem-solving: You'll develop strong problem-solving skills, which are valuable in many career fields.
  • Prototyping and Testing: You'll gain expertise in creating prototypes and testing ideas, a crucial skill for product, process, and service development.
  • Collaboration and Communication: The course involves collaborative projects, enhancing your ability to work effectively in teams. You'll improve your communication skills, which are essential for presenting and pitching your ideas.

What differentiates the Design Thinking course at Griffith College Dublin from other similar courses on innovation and design thinking?

Notably, the lecturers are consultants in the field with extensive experience in delivering and consulting using design thinking principles across diverse industries. This breadth of experience allows them to provide insights and real-world examples, enriching the course with practical applications and relevance across a wide range of professional contexts.

  • Practical Application: Focusing on hands-on projects and real-world applications of design thinking principles in connection with an industry partner.
  • Industry Connections: Offering opportunities for networking with professionals and potential employers in the local or global innovation ecosystem.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Integrating multiple disciplines, such as business, technology, and design, to provide a holistic perspective on innovation.
  • Cutting-Edge Content: Keeping the curriculum up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in innovation and design thinking.
  • Faculty Expertise: Having experienced instructors with a strong background in design thinking and innovation.

What specific professional advantages and career-enhancing opportunities does this course offer to its learners? 

Specific professional advantages of this course may include:

  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: The ability to approach complex problems creatively and effectively.
  • Competitive Advantage: Distinguishing yourself in the job market with a valuable, in-demand skill set.
  • Innovation Leadership: Preparing you to take on leadership roles with a new approach and mindset. 
  • Entrepreneurial Skills: Equipping you with the tools to launch your ventures or contribute to startups.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connecting you with professionals and organisations in the innovation and design thinking space.

Who is the target audience for this course? Are there specific positions or industries that this course is tailored for? 

  • Business Professionals seeking innovation and problem-solving.
  • Designers and Creatives expanding their skill set.
  • Students and Recent Graduates building foundations in creative thinking and problem-solving.
  • Professionals across various industries, regardless of background.
  • Educators, Non-Profit, Government, Marketing, Healthcare, Legal, Environmental, Startup Founders, Managers, Sales, Career Changers, and R&D Teams looking to apply design thinking principles in their respective fields.

The course can be tailored for companies who want to run a session specifically for their teams dealing with an in-house problem or challenge. The course can also be run by gathering participants from multiple backgrounds to deliver the course.