Our people - Karen Casey

Karen Casey

The Leinster School of Music & Drama
Head of Faculty

Location: Dublin Main Campus

Room: B003

Extension: 01-4150466

Development Activities

Academic Qualifications
Karen holds a Bachelor of Business Studies (Hons) Degree from Griffith College Dublin.


Karen is an experienced and dedicated member of staff and Head of Faculty at The Leinster School of Music & Drama (LSMD), Griffith College Dublin. For the past 15 years, she has been a valued member of the LSMD and instrumental in the development of its course content, teacher education programmes and the promotion of arts education in Ireland. She has also been involved in a number of initiatives in the LSMD and within Griffith College Dublin. For example, in 2004, Karen was the instigator of the LSMD Excellence Awards Competition. These national awards have been running for over 13 years, and culminate in the prestigious Excellence Awards Prize-winners concert in Griffith College Auditorium each year.

As head of faculty, she works alongside members of the LSMD lecturing team for the implementation and validation of the LSMD teacher training programmes and courses with QQI. Each year, Karen initiates workshops, concerts and examinations throughout Ireland and provides teachers, students and faculty members of the LSMD with advice and encouragement in their music and drama endeavours.